Every month Akiptan hosts webinars for Native Agriculture operations. These webinars are offered to assist producer’s success in their operations, ask questions about the topics presented, and l to grow their knowledge.

In 2022 we offered webinars around record keeping, marketing your agribusiness products, understanding Indian lands, visioning and planning for your operation, succession planning, and understanding your operations financials.
In 2023 we offered webinars that focused on building and maintaining your credit, ways to diversify your agribusiness products, the Indian Nations Conservation Alliance programming, and general tax information for your agribusiness operation.
Currently, in 2024, we have offered the following webinars:
Akiptan Update
The Okhichanye Scholarship
Cattle Markets Part 1 and Part 2
Native Youth Maȟkhíčhaŋyaŋpi Business Plan Contest
Succession Planning
Technology and Ranching
Using Social Media to Market Your Agribusiness
Implementing Climate Smart Practices
Click here to join us for our next two webinars coming up this year:
September 26, 2024 - Stress Management for your Agriculture Operation
November 1st, 2024 - General Agribusiness Tax Update with Rob Holcomb
All of the webinar recordings are available on our website at www.akiptan.org/recordings for producers to watch at their convenience. If you have ideas for webinar topics that could help you and your operation, please reach out to our programs department, dawn@akiptan.org.